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Class Action Lawsuits

Mastando & Artrip has filed class actions cases on behalf of people across the United States. We have a strong track record against companies that have broken various state and federal laws.

We have had the pleasure of bringing companies to justice that have put profits ahead of integrity and the day’s stock price over their own customers’ interest.

For example, this firm’s attorneys, along with others, actively pursued companies in the life insurance industry that based the pricing of their premiums solely on a customer’s race. This violates federal law and is utterly intolerable in civilized society.  As a result, tens of millions of dollars were paid out to life insurance policyholders, even those with policies that were purchased decades ago.

Also, our attorneys have helped to change business practices in the poultry business, materials business, utility delivery systems and numerous other industries.  We have a record of aggressive pursuit of companies that violate antitrust law and other consumer protection statutes.

Additionally, we can help with wage claims when employees are not being paid for their time at work or their overtime in violation of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act.

The lawyers of Mastando & Artrip have participated in over forty Class Actions in state or federal Courts throughout the United States.  We are pleased to mention that we are one of the Southeast’s premiere Class Action firms. We are currently pursuing or have recently pursued actions in state and/or federal Courts in Alabama, California and Arizona.  We’ve brought suit under Anti-Trust laws, Consumer Protection Statutes and for violations of the U. S. Constitution.